Once upon a time, I thought that the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, with their soft porn, were the worst thing about Texas. Over the years, however, Texas, and specifically its politicos, have managed to compile a record number of idiocies, outrages, and anti-democratic laws and actions to sink the Cowgirls to the bottom of the list. The latest example—and the worst so far—was announced by this headline:
Texas Gets Ready To Allow Unlicensed Carrying Of Handguns
That’s right—no license needed to carry a weapon.
HOWEVER—if you own a dog, in most Texas cities you have to register it and/or microchip it.
Which implies, to my little brain, that a canine is a much more dangerous proposition than a firearm. I don’t get this. Did I miss the news reports of mass murders being precipitated by a dog owner’s shout of “Go, Fido, kill, kill!”?
There are rumblings now and again in Texas that the state should secede from the union (remember, they tried once and failed). Well, maybe the rest of us should just shrug our shoulders and say, “Go back where you came from (i.e., Mexico). Poor old Mexico, though, has enough of its own troubles with firearms and murders that it doesn’t need the added burden of Texas’. Which should rule out that homecoming. It would be a disappointment to Ted Cruz, who likes to sneak off there when the Lone Star State gets too frigid.
(And by the way, which idiot allowed him into New Jersey to go to Princeton? A case can be made for border controls.)
So, I give up—I don’t know what we can do about Texas.
The only good that has come out of Texas was Brian Leetch.