Two Kids
This is about Cedar the goat (kid #1)
and an unnamed nine-year-old girl out in California (kid #2).
Last spring, the nine-year-old decided to raise a goat and then put it up for auction at a county fair. But as things turned out, the girl bonded with the animal and, regarding it as a pet, no longer wanted to part with the goat. The girl’s family tried to back out of the agreement to auction Cedar, but the auction went ahead anyway. The family then took the goat and absconded with it, eventually placing the animal with a farm that leases out goats for vegetation control.
The family offered to cover all expenses, and the buyer of the goat at the auction (let’s say something nice about a Republican state senator) agreed to the new plan, letting Cedar live. But they did not reckon with the hardasses of the Shasta District Fair. No way! they exclaimed. The child must be taught a lesson:
“Making an exception for you will only teach (our) youth that they do not have to abide by the rules that are set up for all participants.”
And in order to enforce their rules, the Fair authorities got the Sheriff’s Office to send two deputies 500 miles to seize the animal. Taxpayers money wasted, anybody?
Henrik Ibsen demonstrated in his plays that the claims of the Ideal (abstractions, rules, laws) can be antithetical to life. In this case, the life that was lost was that of Cedar the goat, who probably ended up as someone’s picnic dinner.
And what was the lesson learned by the young girl? Probably, that the world of adult authority is rotten, without love or compassion.
(Story at
One Kid
Having tipped my hat above to a Republican politician, I must, unfortunately, return to the cesspool of the GOP.
Kristi Noem is the governor of South Dakota. Perhaps her most noteworthy action (or stunt) as head of that state was to send “up to 50” South Dakota National Guard troops to Texas to “help secure our border.” As if that handful could do the trick!
Last week, Noem moseyed on over to a National Rifle Association event (otherwise known as the gathering of the goofballs) and proceeded to outdo all the other quacks. She joyfully announced that her grandchild Addie had a shotgun and a rifle. The child, it should be noted, is almost two-years-old. Noem put it this way:
"Now Addie, who you know, soon will need them, I want to reassure you, she already has a shotgun and she already has a rifle, and she's got a little pony named Sparkles too. So the girl is set up.”
Well, what is she set up for?
The Second Amendment to the Constitution (which the gun nuts keep under their pillows at night) begins (this is the part that is conveniently ignored by the nuts):
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State . . .
That’s what she is being set up for: she is going to take her weaponry and endeavor to protect the security of our country in the same way that the two score and ten South Dakota guardsmen were going to protect the southern border.
I am left with just one question:
When Addie is on guard duty aboard Sparkles, who will change her diaper?