Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Calling the Tune Without Paying the Piper

Long-Term Capital Management [LTCM], a hedge fund, was founded in 1994, and had on its board two men who a few years later would be awarded the Nobel Prize in economics. Despite its rather self-trumpeting name, the fund went belly-up in the year 2000. It lasted that long only because of a massive bail-out four years after its founding, which was arranged to keep the broader financial system from imploding.

Some three decades before the LCTM debacle, the United States military was bogged down in South-East Asia trying to accomplish what the French had previously failed to do—defeat the Vietnamese revolutionary force known as the Viet Cong. American policy was formulated by a group of Washington officials who had been leaders in industry and academia before joining the administration. They were sometimes called “whiz kids.” David Halberstam in his book on the period labelled them “The Best and The Brightest.”


I bring up this ancient history to make a really simple point—which I will get to in a bit.

This is a post about voting. The Republican party and conservatives in general have for more than a generation attempted to restrict the right to cast a ballot. Here is William Buckley, Jr. in 1957 opining on how the “advanced race’’—White Southerners (minority)—should prevail over the desires of their Black neighbors (majority):

If the majority wills what is socially atavistic, then to thwart the majority may be, though undemocratic, enlightened. It is more important for any community, anywhere in the world, to affirm and live by civilized standards, than to bow to the demands of the numerical majority.*

Of course, this is a question-begging proclamation. What is meant by “socially atavistic”? How do you define “civilized standards”? Not to mention the smug assertion about the “advanced race.”


Let’s jump to the present. 

Steven Strauss, in an opinion piece in USA TODAY,** gives us just a sampling of Republican voices advocating ballot restrictions:

Andrew McCarthy stated in National Review: “It would be far better if the franchise were not exercised by ignorant, civics-illiterate people." Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson, a Republican, warned of the dangers of voting by the “uninformed.” Kevin Williamson, also at National Review, asked whether America “would be better served by having fewer — but better — voters.” Arizona GOP state Rep. John Kavanaugh commented: “Quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes as well.” 

Doesn’t that all sound marvelous: To be led by a citizenry that is not “uninformed” or “civics-illiterate”? 

Er . . ., my ignorant response is, “Who decides?” And how? Shall we give every citizen a test before he/she can cast a ballot? Would that determine if that would-be voter was “civics-literate” (whatever that means)?

In an earlier blog post,*** I discussed the self-centeredness of test-making. The person who sets the test has automatically made claim to be no worse than tied for the smartest person in the room—after all, he knows all the answers (otherwise how could he know whether the test-takers were correct or not?). I pointed out that this 

“no one can know more than me” business is really the opposite of the statement of Socrates . . . that the Oracle of Delphi . . . claimed that “no man is wiser than Socrates.” For, said Socrates, he knows that he knows nothing, while other men brag of their knowledge of justice, piety, etc.

So, I ask the GOP brains, who died and left you God to determine what the test for citizen-voters should be? Of course, we trust you implicitly that the questions would be totally non-partisan. But do we have to take our masks off and show proof that we weren’t vaccinated?


To go back to the beginning of this essay. Republicans wouldn't doubt that the Nobel laureates of Long-Term Capital Management and the whiz kids of the Viet Nam debacle had the right credentials to determine at the ballot box the future of this country. And they could ace any test. 

They could also lead us down the drain.





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