Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Language Follies 12

Today’s post starts off following the latest bit of advice on a hockey arena sideboard: “Show Your Flow.” OK. Here’s my flow (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean).


The world at large continues to think that I am an expert on everything. I have on my desk requests for my views on the following:

Alaska Public Lands Survey

Grand Canyon National Park.

(This despite a sedentary life that sees my automatic watches run down because of a lack of motion on my part.)


I am also in great demand to join some rather outré organizations: 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

The National Wild Turkey Federation

Trout Unlimited

Sportsmen’s Alliance.


What I know about Wild Turkey is this:

And Trout brings to mind 

                                                            Newsman Robert Trout

                                                       Pitcher Dizzy Trout


Now the Sportsmen’s Alliance is another kettle of trout, er, fish. I knew about the name Sportsman’s Park (singular) as the old Major League home of the St. Louis Cardinals and Browns 

and as a racetrack in the Chicago area

But the (plural) Sportsmen, who are they?

Well, their Spring Appeal 2024 letter starts off:

2024 is an election year in America, but the animal extremists aren’t waiting until election day to destroy our hunting heritage. 

The letter name checks the Humane Society of the United States and the Center for Biological Diversity as two groups “coming after us in every possible way” and, worse, “in every corner of America.” “They will not stop until they destroy our heritage and way of life.”

So, apparently the name Sportsmen is a euphemism for "killers of animals."

If I send them $35, they’ll send me two knives. (Then I too can kill!)


They’ve Got An Awful Lot of Coffee in Brazil* 

But don’t tell Starbucks. On television they’re pushing something called “Lavender Cream Oatmilk Matcha.”

Bottom’s Up!





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