Friday, August 23, 2019


David Koch kicked the bucket the other day. 

I cited Koch as a notorious polluter in a recent blog post:
Should one boycott the New York City Ballet, which calls the David H. Koch Theater home? Named after one of the notorious polluting Kochs, who also give gillions of dollars of tainted money to efforts to undermine our republican form of government.(1)
Here’s a photograph of Koch being applauded for handing over some of his tainted bucks to the New York City Ballet:

Notice the complacently smug mug.

According to Christopher Leonard in the New York Times, David Koch and his brother Charles “built a political influence machine that is arguably unrivaled by any in corporate America.”(2) And one of the major tasks of that machine has been to undermine any government effort to enact climate control legislation that might fight the disastrous effects of global warming, such as action to control greenhouse gas emissions. Koch, a graduate of MIT with a degree in chemical engineering, turned his back on science and supported a baying pack of climate change deniers. As Leonard reveals, 
in 1991, the Cato Institute, a Koch-funded think tank, held a seminar in Washington called “Global Environmental Crises: Science or Politics?” This was part of a decades-long effort to cast doubt about the reality of climate change.
David Koch worked tirelessly, over decades, to jettison from office any moderate Republicans who proposed to regulate greenhouse gases.
To hell with the planet—as long as Koch Industries could keep raking in its dirty money. 


David Koch won’t be around when this sphere of ours becomes a burning cauldron. But one can only hope that, in the spirit of divine justice, he will be spending eternity in an even hotter place.



Also worth reading:

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