“Does anyone know who employed Darwin, where Darwinism comes from?” [Lara] Logan, now with Fox News’ streaming service Fox Nation, asked. “Look it up: The Rothschilds. It goes back to 10 Downing Street. The same people who employed Darwin, and his theory of evolution and so on and so on. I’m not saying that none of that is true. I’m just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory — based on evidence, OK, fine.”
A massive office. Portraits of ancestors on the walls. A thick carpet. A large desk.
A quick knock on the door. A woman enters and addresses the man behind the desk:
“Mr. Rothschild, Mr. Darwin is here to see you.”
Rothschild: “Send him in.”
A young man in his early twenties, wearing a dark suit, enters.
Rothschild: “Ah, Charlie, good to see you again. Have a seat. I expect you have further news about that proposed expedition of yours.
Darwin: “Yes, Mr. Rothschild. But I’m afraid that my news may not be pleasing.”
Rothschild: “Er, why is that?”
Darwin: “Well, I recalculated the itinerary, the necessary crew, and the needed provisions, and determined that the initial financial investment figures I gave you fell rather short. So, I’m here, hat in hand, to ask for a greater capital commitment on your part for the expedition to advance. I’ll not take offense if you find the numbers on this sheet to be unsatisfactory and for you to withdraw your offer of support.”
Hands over a sheet of paper; Rothschild slips on a pair of spectacles and reads.
Rothschild: “Why, Charlie my son, do you think that a Jewish banker, a Rothschild, would blink at a figure like this? Look, we have agreed upon a purpose here: to bamboozle the scientific world and beyond with the idea that mankind has evolved from ape-like creatures. Your voyage on that ship of yours—what’s it called? . . .”
Darwin: “The Beagle.”
Rothschild: “. . . we both know that it’s just to produce a cover story that has to seem to be legitimate. So in order to accomplish that, what’s a few thousand pounds more to a Jewish banker? You go right ahead with that journey to . . . where? . . .”
Darwin: “Galapagos.”
Rothschild: “Galapagos; sounds like what a race horse does. Is that a real place?”
Darwin: “It’s off the coast of Chile.”
Rothschild: “Well, you just go right off, enjoy the ocean journey, write up a few ‘scientific’ notes, and come back in a year or two. Then slap together a book that will shake up the Christian establishment—and we’ll both have a great laugh at their expense.”
Darwin: “Thank you, Mr. Rothschild.”
Rothschild: “Don’t mention it. [Writes something and hands the paper to Darwin.]
Darwin: [Reads] “Matzos, chicken soup, gefilte fish . . . . What’s this?”
Rothschild: “Well, you have to provision your ship for the long journey. Take this list over to the address I’ve written. I have a side interest in a Jewish ship’s chandlery. I might as well get a little money back—under the table, as it were.”
Darwin: [Rises from his chair and puts on his hat.] “See you in about two years, Mr. R.”
Rothschild: “Gay ga zinta hate.”