Sunday, July 4, 2021

Some (Non)Problems Are More Easily Solved Than Others

This post is dedicated to Turnabout Records in recognition of its motto: “Turnabout is Fair Play.”


Our fair play deed of the day is in response to the selfless desire of Republicans to keep us peasants from losing time for our prayers by having to scratch our heads trying to decide how we wish to be governed. (We discussed this in the recent post “Republicans Just Wanna Help You” So today we offer the GOP a simple plan to solve two of their perceived problems: Election fraud and voter suppression.

The Republicans insist that their recent avalanche of legislation in many GOP-controlled states to combat “election fraud” (yeah, it deserves scare quotes) is needed, even though most of them admit that there was no wide-spread fraud in the 2020 presidential election (a couple of jerks were discovered to have voted twice, once in propria persona and once pretending to be their deceased father; they were Trump voters). So, what is the defense of such legislation? It is allegedly designed to keep the non-existent from occurring in the future. I am reminded here of a recent article on* concerning a dispute about the invention of invisible art. Don’t laugh; an “artist” sold some schmuck “a work of art made of literally nothing” for €15,000 ($18,300). The GOP is trying that stunt on the political front.

The voter suppression drive is, of course, what the legislation is really in aid of. “Let’s keep the democratic voters from voting and we’re home free. To hell with the will of the people!” 


Back to our Turnabout Fair Play. Here is our legislation help for the Republicans: Eliminate elections!  By one stroke of legislative magic they will have both eliminated election fraud (no elections, thus no chance of fraud) and of course will have entirely suppressed opposition votes (no elections, no votes). 

The GOP could then pay tribute to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on its 100th anniversary by taking a leaf out of the CCP’s playbook. Only about 7 percent of China’s population are allowed to be members of the Party. The CCP, therefore, can

control politics, economics, and society without losing its exclusivity. Anyone can apply to join, but applicants are carefully vetted and huge numbers are rejected.**

Without elections, a small coterie of Republican true believers can control the destiny of the US. And isn’t that what they want?


Harry Golden was a New Yorker who moved to North Carolina in 1941 and later founded his own periodical, The Carolina Israelite. He was a fierce opponent of segregation, which he attacked in his work. His most famous observation about segregation was that whites were fine with standing in line with black people but would not tolerate sitting next to them. Golden thus proposed “vertical integration,” eliminating seats in schools, theaters, restaurants, buses, etc. 

Golden was of course a satirist, which we would never claim to be (despite the motto of this blog being “Fools rush into my head, and so I write,” Alexander Pope). We are merely good samaritans who wish, as stated in the second paragraph, to return a favor to the GOP.


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