Friday, April 14, 2023

The Curse of Education

To understand exactly what is wrong with American education, look no further than Catlett, Va. A recent story in The New York Times* reported on a ten-year-old fifth grader who challenged an entry about rocks in one of his text books—and was celebrated for doing so. 

Authority coming under attack—is that what public education is supposed to lead to?

The distinguished Tennessee legislator Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka said the other day,

"You’ve got to do what’s right — even if you think it might be wrong — you’ve got to do what’s right."**

That is, you must defer to authority (“what’s right”) no matter what—a variation on the old phrase “Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?

But we see from the kudos that have been showered on the fifth grader (who shall remain nameless here to avoid further stigmatization in later life) how public education—by praising his whistleblowing—is attempting to undermine the rightful order of American life.


This celebration of whistleblowers is just one underhanded way that public education is a threat to Americanism. Consider how even in the early years of pre-school, children are encouraged to share: 

“Now, Billy, let Kevin play with the choo-choo a while.” 

What is it that sharing leads to? I ask. Communism. Toddlers of three and four are unwittingly being groomed to become Reds. Are we to stand by and do nothing?


There are manifold other tactics that are being used in the effort to undermine our country, but I will point out just one more. In how many classrooms are children separated into groups to work together to achieve a common result? The educators call that “cooperation”; I call it a concerted project to eliminate individualism from the USA. This “cooperation” is an undermining of the Ayn-Randism that espouses the strong, stand-on-his-own super-individual. It is a step backward from the High-Noonism of the “good guy with a gun” who will stop evil in its tracks. 

If this insidious “cooperation” expands further, we will be defenseless against the bad guys. And where would our country be then? Probably in the hands of communists who have been groomed almost from the time they left the cradle.


What to do ? What is the answer?

I think there is only one big step that must be taken to eliminate the threat: 

Defund education!

You have been warned!






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